Cor-ten Steel
L90 laser and Art now carry a range of Corten Steel Sheets.
Ranging from 1.6mm up to 10mm in thickness, and in varying widths (1.5m/1.8m/2m), corten steel is a weather resistant material used widely in the building and landscape industry due to its anti-corrosion properties.
As it weathers it produces its own protective barrier against the elements ensuring that it stands the test of time.
Corten Steel is best featured in corrosive environments, either internal or external features, including:
- Corten Wall Cladding – Formed and flat (Weatherboard Cladding, Timber Cladding, Stone Cladding, Vinyl Cladding)
- Corten Steel Containters
- Corten Steel Fire Pits
- Corten Steel Features
- Corten Steel Art & Sculptures
- Corten Screens
- & more…
Our Corten sheets and products can come pre weathered and sealed for a clean rustic effect for any indoor setting.
At North Shore Laser and Art we stock pre perforated or laser cut decorative sheets and are able to transform your own design into a decorative sheet for use in all applications.
For more information please call 02 9616 7444